Brigil Homes and Condos in Ottawa

visit the Brigil Homes website for more New Homes and Condos information

Brigil Homes Pro Builder Rating


Highlights of Pro Builder Rating Composition:

Tarion derived Builder Quality score: 60%

BBB derived Customer Dispute Engagement score: 15%

ONH derived Customer Engagement score: 38%

The Brigil Homes Pro Builder Rating of 42% is derived from an aggregation of performance data sourced from the Tarion Home Warranty Program to assess a Builder Quality score of 60%, the Better Business Bureau to assess a Customer Dispute Engagement score of 15%, and further research and analysis to assess a Customer Engagement score of 38%.

Brigil Homes Reviews

Source : Google Places

Brigil New Home and Condo Communities in Ottawa-Gatineau

Builder Area Community Type Map Crime
Brigil Hull Domaine du Vieux Port Singles and Bungalows on the river in Hull

Brigil Homes Videos

Horizon - La vie d'hôtel chez soi Horizon - La vie d'hôtel chez soi ...

Horizon - La vie d'hôtel chez soi

Horizon - Hotel Luxury at Home Horizon - Hotel Luxury at Home ...

Horizon - Hotel Luxury at Home

Kanata Lakes - The perfect blend of urban living and enchanting natural settings Kanata Lakes - The perfect blend of urban living and enchanting natural settings ...

Kanata Lakes - The perfect blend of urban living and enchanting natural settings

Kanata Lakes - Le mélange parfait entre la vie urbaine et les cadres naturels enchanteurs Kanata Lakes - Le mélange parfait entre la vie urbaine et les cadres naturels enchanteurs ...

Kanata Lakes - Le mélange parfait entre la vie urbaine et les cadres naturels enchanteurs

Petrie's Landing II : Avenue Apartments Petrie's Landing II : Avenue Apartments ...

Petrie's Landing II : Avenue Apartments

Petrie's Landing II : Appartements Avenue Petrie's Landing II : Appartements Avenue ...

Petrie's Landing II : Appartements Avenue

Le 460 St. Laurent : conçu comme un oasis urbain, avec des espaces raffinés et soignés, qui agrandissent vos aires de vie ...

Le 460 St-Laurent : un environnement tout-inclus qui enrichit votre vie.

460 St. Laurent was created as an urban oasis with refined and curated spaces serving as an extension of your home. Unwind in ...

460 St-Laurent : Immerse yourself in an all-inclusive environment that enhances your life.

Center Park - 638 Center Street, Ottawa Conveniently located in the Forbes neighbourhood east of downtown Ottawa, Center ...

Center Park - A safe haven as a home

Center Park - 638, rue Center, Ottawa Idéalement situé dans le quartier Forbes à l'est du centre-ville d'Ottawa, Center Park se ...

Center Park - Un véritable havre de paix

La toute nouvelle communauté de Brigil, située à deux pas du pont Champlain, vous offre la combinaison idéale pour mener une ...

Le Havre sur le Golf - le mélange parfait entre la campagne et la ville

Brigil's newest Aylmer community located beside the Champlain Bridge encompasses the ideal mix for modern living ...

Le Havre sur le Golf serves up the ideal mix for modern living

Enjoy a unique quality of life on the waterfront! Domaine du Vieux-Port is one of the most prestigious and sought-after ...

Domaine du Vieux-Port - Prestigious homes in a waterfront community

We are proud to share a major milestone in the construction of the residential tower located at 99 Parkdale in Ottawa. This past ...

The Dale - Tower 2 : Crane Dismantling - September 30th, 2023

Discover our 20-story tower with 235 luxury apartments for rent. We invite you to visit us! You will be dazzled by this new project by ...

Le Columbia

Découvrez Le Columbia : une tour de 20 étages et 235 appartements haut de gamme à louer. Nous vous invitons à venir nous ...

Le Columbia

À quelques pas de magnifiques plages sablonneuses donnant accès à d'innombrables activités aquatiques sur la rivière des ...

Petrie's Landing

Just steps away from beautiful sandy beaches with access to countless water activities on the Ottawa River, Petrie's Landing from ...

Petrie's Landing

C'est avec fierté que nos équipes contribuent chaque jour à enrichir la belle région de la capitale nationale. La création de ...

Nous multiplions les grandes réalisations! | We have been multiplying significant achievements!

12 mois à créer des milieux de vie complets pour notre belle région. 12 mois d'engagement et de contribution à des organismes ...

Rétrospective de l’année 2022

Grâce au leadership de Jessy Desjardins, à la communauté d'affaires et aux amoureux de la Forêt Boucher, l'objectif de 1,75 M a ...

Brigil s'investit pour sauvegarder les forêts urbaines de proximité

Formule tout inclus, espaces communs spacieux, quartiers dynamiques... découvrez pourquoi les communautés Brigil ...

La vie d'hôtel chez soi - Nos communautés vedettes

All-inclusive, spacious common areas, vibrant neighbourhoods... discover why Brigil communities are the ultimate pinnacle of ...

Spotlight on our communities - Hotel Luxury at home

Joignez-vous dès aujourd'hui à notre équipe de bâtisseurs citoyens et contribuez à l'épanouissement de la région de la capitale ...

Devenez vous aussi Bâtisseurs citoyens! / Start building with purpose today!

Brigil Homes in the News

About Brigil Homes


Like you and your family, we're growing. Thousands of families have trusted us with one of their biggest decisions and that's a great source of pride at Brigil Construction. 'Proud to build a better quality of life' isn't just our motto, it's the backbone of our commitment to helping you benefit from our depth of experience and expertise. Our team introduces you to an array of housing possibilities to meet and surpass your high expectations. We place a high value on your peace of mind throughout planning and construction, so our seasoned professionals cater to your every need.

Tell Us Your Dreams

As Brigil's president and founder, and as a husband and father, I understand how much the purchase of your home means to you. So we hire the best housing representatives in the industry.Their job is to listen, to understand, and to respond to your needs. Every member of the Brigil team knows your needs come first.That's how we ensure your new home reflects all of your desires.
Together, we'll make your dreams come true!
Gilles Desjardins
Mr. Gilles Desjardins received the 1998 Person of the Year Award from the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de l'Outaouais.

Building Tomorrow Today

Established in 1985 by Gilles Desjardins, Brigil Construction continues to make a vital contribution to the Outaouais economy. Since 1985, the company has built 5,000 homes for people like you who envision a better lifestyle. Over the years, Brigil communities have become some of the region's most sought-after neighbourhoods. In two decades an entire generation has found a home with Brigil. Today we focus on tomorrow's families.

A Reputation for Excellence

The best way for us to achieve and maintain excellence is by listening to you. Brigil strives to be the best by fostering innovation and performance-based relationships with our employees, suppliers and subcontractors. This ensures that Brigil-built homes are state-of-the art and reflect modern tastes and needs. Our excellent reputation and avant-garde approach has attracted the attention and recognition of our peers: few builders can boast of both the APCHQ's top-level Platinum Certification and the prestigious Best Builder/Contractor Award.

Quality of Life : More than Luck!

Brigil communities are built with a wide range of lifestyles in mind. And for a firm whose reputation attracts a large and diverse clientele, that's a challenge. So every Brigil development is meticulously planned to balance respect for our region's fabulous natural setting with 21st century demands on family, work and play. Long-term thinking means we pay tremendous attention to beauty, design the best infrastructure, and use only the finest quality materials - every Brigil community is built to appreciate with time.

Serious abour Customer Service

These days, your relationship with a builder can end when the front door keys are handed over. At Brigil, taking possession of your new home is just another step in our relationship with you. Year in and year out, we take pride in meeting the highest standards of after-sales service. Every service call is actively followed up by one of our quality control officers. Brigil Construction knows that quality service before, during, and after the construction of your new home is the foundation for the tradition of excellence we've been building for nearly 20 years.

Prizes and Awards

In 1992, Brigil received the honnor of Business of the Year by the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de l'Outaouais. The following year, 'Profit' Magazine, Canada Post and Ernst & Young ranked Brigil within the 100 most performant in Canada (27th in Canada and 1st in Quebec). December 1st 1995, Brigil won the 'Gold Palm' from the l'Association provinciale des constructeurs en habitations du Quebec for its professionalism and its oustanding standards within the framework on the New Home Guarantee Program. In 1998, Brigil's President, Mr. Gilles Desjardins, was awarded the title of Personality of Year by the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de l'Outaouais. The same year, Brigil won, for a second time, the 'Gold Palm' from the APCHQ. In 2002, the APCHQ rewarded Brigil with the 'Platinum Palm'.

Brigil Team

The Brigil Team brings together sixty professionals devoted to excellence. Be it by their commitment or by their professionalism, the Brigil people will work closely with you to bring you the best in a new home. The Brigil Team is proud to build a better quality of life.

Source : Brigil Homes
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